Best Ways to Build a Successful Team

Nov 25, 2018 | Employee Motivation

Everyone knows that in order to have a long-lasting, and successful team, you need strong leadership foundation. This does not necessarily mean the role lands on one individual, however it is important to have a good leader, someone who is not afraid to correct the course if needed, and to firmly establish a high standard of performance.

So, what is the best way to go about building a team that would get the job done? Well, you need to take a few things into account based on your own leadership abilities. The following are a few things you need to keep in consideration on putting that team together:

Workplace Awareness: You need to know what kind of leader you are. What is your leadership style, and is it going to get the best work of people, or just rub them the wrong way?

Understanding your current strengths: Understanding the abilities of your current employees and your team members’ strengths and weaknesses can be essential to filling gaps within your company. Hire new team members around the weaknesses that can be found within your team and to compliment your existing strengths.

Know Your Team: While you need to hold yourself accountable, you also need to be aware of those you work with. There are a lot of sites that will suggest that you do not need to be friends with your co-workers to get work done, and they are all right. But, a little camaraderie goes a long way to encouraging a good working atmosphere, mutual respect, and ultimately production.

Know Your Role: Clearly defined roles and responsibilities within the team will help you be a productive machine. This is where a little bit of friendship amongst team members can help, because a lot of the time the ideal role each member of the team would like to be responsible for may not be what they are actually best at, and as a leader it is your job to make sure that each person has the role and responsibilities best suited for them.

Do Not Fear the Feedback: As a leader it is your job to make sure that each team member is staying on track, but it is also your job to monitor all the feedback from your team in order to adjust responsibilities and roles accordingly.

Written by Christoph Nauer.
Christoph is a Brian Tracey certified Time Management Master.
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