009 – How to plan the ultimate day

Apr 30, 2021

YouTube video

Here are some questions to ponder if you want to plan your ultimate BEST DAY EVER:

  • What must I accomplish today?
  • What project do I need to focus on?
  • Who do I need to follow up with today?
  • What do I need to do to make progress?
  • What prospect do I need to call today?
  • What appointments do I have, need to make?
  • How will I improve my health today?
  • What meals will I have and where?
  • What time will I get up, go to bed?
  • What phone calls do I need to make?
  • What spiritual activity will I do today?
  • What will I do for my spouse, family?
  • What will I delegate?
  • What will I do for myself?
  • What time will you go to bed?

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