7 tips for finding the right coach for your business or leadership role

Feb 26, 2021 | Work-Life Balance

Here are my top 7 tips to help you find the best coach for your business or leadership role. You can use this as a reference when interviewing potential coaches to help you find work-life balance and reach your biggest goals.

  1. Find a coach who will hold you accountable
    As your business or career develops and changes, it’s imperative to have a coach who will hold you accountable for your major objectives. Having someone to push you forward, especially during difficult times, will help you reach your goals and overcome any obstacles standing in your way of success.
  2. Find a coach who gives it to you straight
    Your business coach is there to help guide you towards reaching your goals and finding success in your career and personal life. It’s important to hire a coach who isn’t afraid of telling you the hard truth, even if it’s not something you want to hear. They are there to offer a new perspective to help you make the best decisions for you and your business.
  3. Find a coach who can support your biggest weaknesses
    We all have our strengths and weaknesses. While you want to hire a coach who can complement your strengths, it’s also just as important to find someone who can provide guidance and expertise in the areas where you may not be as knowledgeable or skilled.
  4. Find a coach who truly has your best interests in mind
    Don’t fall prey to a coach who is only out there to make money. Sure, you might walk away with something valuable, but the level of commitment that you’ll find in a coach who has your best interests in mind will greatly outshine anyone who’s just in the business for their own personal gain.
  5. Find a coach with real-world experience in your industry
    Anyone can lecture you on what they think is best for you and your business, but how do you know that they are giving you sound advice? It’s important to research your business coach and find someone who has proven success in your industry or area of expertise. Ask about the past experiences, knowledge, and skills that they have to offer you and your business. Do they have a proven track record with other companies in your industry? These things are important to know before making a final decision on who to hire.
  6. Find a coach who acknowledges their own shortcomings and failures
    Your business coach will be helping you navigate and overcome any shortcomings or failures that you realize in your personal life and professional career. Being able to learn from the past failures of your coach will be invaluable to you and your business, so make sure your coach is comfortable talking about their own learning experiences.
  7. Find a coach who brings out the best in you
    One of your best assets is your own mind and gut instinct, so it’s important to find a coach who can listen deeply and facilitate your best thinking. They should not just tell you what to do or jump straight to answers without first helping you organize your own thought process. Innovation will come from the combination of both you and your coach’s knowledge and skillsets – so look for someone who will compliment you, not overpower you.
Written by Christoph Nauer.
Christoph is a Brian Tracey certified Time Management Master.
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