Health and Self Care: Part 3

Health and Self Care: Part 3

In addition to physical well-being, there’s also mental health. Living in a society that always focuses on what we don’t have, trying to convince us that we just need this or that to be happy it’s easy to get caught up in this message. However, focusing on what we do...
Health and Self Care: Part 3

Health and Self Care: Part 2

Telling a simple story on myself. My dentist told me, “You should floss.” I hate flossing. Can’t stand it. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, come on. Obviously, she knows what she’s talking about. I should listen to her. Otherwise, why would I go to a dentist? If...
Health and Self Care: Part 3

Health and Self Care: Part 1

The most common symbol for health and self-care in current times is the face mask to help stop getting or giving COVID-19. Just as on an airplane, you have to take care of yourself first so you can balance the other important parts of your life. You can’t help others...
Embracing Gratitude to Reduce Stress

Embracing Gratitude to Reduce Stress

Having an “attitude-of-gratitude” is a positive state of mind and a great stress-busting tool. In my private practice I often share this “mood-altering” tool from my book, Stress Reduction Journal. Feeling grateful for having shelter, food,...
10 Tips to Eliminate Stress

10 Tips to Eliminate Stress

Stress stimulates a surge of hormones which makes your sleep and relaxation moments worthless. Exhausted body needs a good rest, but as far as you can’t rest while you are stressed you may start to feel headaches, moodiness, and memory loss, inability to concentrate...
How to Fight Burnout

How to Fight Burnout

Disillusionment, helplessness, and stress can all come from being burned out. The effects of burnout could impact your job, your social life, and even your family life, which is why it is important to prevent exhaustion and recoup your energy. Fight burnout and see...
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